
Love Allah

Sunday, October 30, 2011

ENGLISH Reading EX.1

English as Second Language

Readign Exercises 1

The Lion and the Mouse

A lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face. Rising up with anger, he caught the mouse and was about to kill him. Then, the mouse interrupted saying, "If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness." The lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The mouse,recognizing the lion’s roar, came and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and set him free! The mouse then told the lion, "You ridiculed the idea that I would ever be able to help you. You didn’t expect to receive from me any repayment of your favor. Now you know that it is possible for even a mouse to help out a lion."

Read the story. Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.

1. What caused the lion to wake up from his sleep?

A. He was hungry B. He was angry

C. A mouse ran over his face D. He wasn’t tired anymore

2. Why did the lion laugh at the mouse?

A. The mouse was telling funny jokes B. He didn’t think the mouse could ever repay him

C. He wanted to let him go D. He knew that the mouse would save his life

3. “The mouse, recognizing the lion’s roar, came and gnawed the

rope with his teeth, and set him free.” What does the word gnawed

mean in this sentence?

A. Chewed B. Hungry

C. Quickly D. Pinched

4. What lesson did the lion learn from the mouse?

A. Even a lion can help a mouse B. It is possible for even a mouse to eat cheese

C. The lion could have eaten the mouse D. It is possible for even a mouse to help out a lion

5. Based on the events that happened in the story, what would most

likely happen next?

A. The lion would thank the mouse B. The lion would eat the mouse

C. The mouse would eat the lion D. The lion would be angry with the mouse

6. Guess from the context and write the meanings of lettered words._____________________________________________


7. What is the moral of story?

Prepared by: Muhammad Kashif Iqbal

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